Your point "A"
So happy to greet you on my Summer Mastermind for educators "LvlUp Communications"!
Answer a couple of questions below so we could put your starting point on the map of our journey.
Your name
Your email
Choose the track of mastermind that suits you best
Track 1: Starter. I want to launch my product or start my educational business on Insta
Track 2: LvlUping. I have project/practice, and I want to bring this on the next level
I am not an educator, but I want to start with educational products in my field
I need your advice on a track to choose!
If you graded yourself for the skill "Social Media Communications", which grade would you put?
Meet Expectations
Below Expectations
I had no experience yet
Do you recently post on your social media page regularly? (take May as example)
Yes, I have regular posts and content plan
Well, I have regular posts, but without plan
Some weeks I post regularly, some I dont post
From time to time
Havent posted regularly for some time already
Havent posted and didnt even make stories recently
Your custom variant
How many clients did you get from social media (e.g. Instagram page) in May?
What was your highest Reach (stories watched by followers) in May?
Have you ever tried Instagram promotion tools?
Yes, targeting
Yes, hashtags
Yes, Reels for viral reach
Yes, partnerships
Havent tried anything yet
If you tried smth else, provide it here:
Anything you want me to know during my final touches on the mastermind program?
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